Saturday, February 8, 2014


Por el lapso de casi dos años he utilizado diferentes portales electrónicos con mis alumnos de Cuarto Italiano-Inglés A3 y corroboró su efectividad por que les ha proporcionado autonomía en el aprendizaje, destreza en el uso de programas, concienciación  de sus conocimientos y áreas que se deben  mejorar. Mi función como docente fue guiarlos en la búsqueda de los portales académicos que les brinden los recursos necesarios y el mérito del trabajo organizado semana a semana  fue totalmente de mis alumnos.  Como siempre los felicito y cada esfuerzo que hicieron tiene un propósito y una gratificación en conocimientos. 

One of the greatest challenges educators face in  this age of enormous changes  is the  appropriate use of technology resources  as an important tool in a language classroom. This information does not mean that computers and applications will substitute teachers and activities, rather its use will enhance delivery of teaching material as a classroom resource and  as a tool in the students´ independent work,  Thus students apply self-reliance and become responsible of their own learning.

As a languge educator, I am open to  to new alternatives to make my students´ learning enjoyable, innovative and up to date with the latest trends.  It is one´s  resonsibility  to look for proven technological resources to help the students to become proficient and autonomous learners.

During half of the 2012 school year and the complete 2013 school year, the Italian-English Fourth Level students (A-3) have been practicing a variety of  internet link materials in the different areas  of reading, listening, writing, some vocabulary and grammar activities.  All these activities have been strategically and perfectly proven to work  as extra-curricular activities.

Another great benefit from the use of these links is that most of the activities are graded;  they offer useful grammar feedback and help my students visualize their strengths and weaknesses. 
I am convinced based on my students hard work, that procedures to get the results and the percentage of improvement have helped my students to become responsible, enthusiastic, knowledgeable and independent learners. 

I appreciate all of my students´ hard work and it is their responsibility as teachers to share all that interesting knowledge with everyone else. All their expriences are posted on the Main floor at the School of Languages. Check it out!!


Un trabajo extraordinario y  como siempre aliento en mis alumnos la solidaridad, tenemos el deber y la responsabilidad  de compartirlo. El buen conocimiento se transmite para sentir la satisfacción del trabajo realizado!! MSc. Glenda Morales

Recommended for grammar, and listening complete exercises. Karen, Anny, Mirella and Maria Jose.
Great link with 365 short reading stories with comprehension questions.
Andrea Mera, Fabiola Escobar and Christian Carillo
Isa Abraham, Evelyn Guevara, Jessica Nieves, Genesis Pachecho y Teresa Zambrano
www. Excellent link for TOEFL graded-practice.
TOEFL Practice
Nathaly Cortez, Fernanda Cedeño, Angie Herrera e Ivonne Pérez


  1. Group:

    Monica Zambrano
    Sara Torres
    Stefanie Vera
    Stefany Cruz
    José Castro


    Technology simplifies our research in college, talking about computer and internet issues. The term comes from the Greek “technologia”, a combination of “techne,” which meaning is craft, and “logos”, meaning saying. So it might be considered the articulation of a craft. Nowadays, it is not necessary being present to talk to someone even watch him or her in real time, we just use Skype. We must be at the technological forefront as well as we could, because it is always progressing for example today it is an e-mail, but tomorrow it could change.

    How it works:
    We have used this link to improve our vocabulary, reviewing words that we do not know or we have seen but we never realized before about its several meanings and correct usage. Firstly, we got into that link and we chose a group from the word list. We also used another link, it helped us to look up for meanings, synonyms, antonyms, references, or examples of each word of the list, according to the part of the speech that word belongs to.

    As a class activity, we worked in groups and looked up for the meaning of the assigned words, and did class feedback sharing their meanings orally. This page has a vocabulary practice test of each group of the word list, which at first it showed us the meaning of the words and then encouraged us to do the test. If we do it right, it showed us a message of correct, but if we made a mistake, it appeared on the right side the meaning of that word, and its score.

    Stephanie: It was a good experience because I learned new vocabulary. Work in group was really fun, and we enjoyed learning together. This link is very interesting and important, because I could practice and improve.
    Sara: working on that link was a little stressful, when I thought it was good, was wrong and vice versa. But I really learn too much.
    Monica: These links helped me to improve my vocabulary and get fluency to talk.
    Stefanie: This web page helped me on my pronunciation and being confident to talk.
    José: In this link I learned new words and pronunciation, and then when I knew the words, I took a quiz to check my knowledge.

  2. Thanks for posting your information from the posters. Sephanie, Sara, MOnica, Stefanie and Jose. Great!!


LEARNING LANGUAGE THROUGH COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES AND TASK BASED APPROACH. Lots of peering interaction, problem solving tasks, Motivation, solving tasks!!

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