Sunday, September 1, 2013


Undergraduate Teaching Students
Activities that  reflect on learning. 

Students Any Barahona, Stephanie Cruz, Jose Castro, MSc. Glenda Morales (teacher), Fabiola Escobar, Isa Abraham, Christian Carillo and Fernanda Escobar. 

Geoconda Torres, Stefanie Vera, Nathalie Cortez, Teresa  Zambrano, Paola Valenzuela, Carla Arana, Jessica Medina and Monica Zambrano.

Jazmin Sanchez, Gabriela Prado, Mirella Olaya, Genesis Pachecho,
Karen Sanchez, Sara Torres, Marjorie Gazmez, Andrea Romero, Betty Quijije
and Ivonne Perez.
                                                                                                                                          AND PROBLEM SOLVING TOPICS.

The Mock Interview Activity helps the undergraduate students to gain experience and practice  answering different kind of questions they might be  asked in a teacher´s interview in a short time   . 
It was  also a valuable and worthwhile practice because it enriched the students´  educational vocabulary  and developed their speaking skills.  

The purpose of the Mock Interview Activity, which was part of the scheduled activities for the semester,  was to enhance the students´ knowledge and assess their own practice. At the beginning the students were assigned to read short texts on "Teaching practices,and Dressing well for success", their next task was to write a two-page essay related to  questions  normally asked on  a professional interview.


Be Alert and Listen

 Make sure that you are actually answering the question that was asked - you can have the interviewer repeat a particularly complicated question, but you don't want to have them repeat every question to you. Respond to nonverbal cues from your interviewers.

 Shake hands firmly and avoid being nervous. Feel calm.

Make a Good First Impression

Arrive ten minutes early. Shake hands firmly. Smile and appear happy and enthusiastic. Wait to be asked to take a seat. Make sure that you are not chewing gum before going into the interview. The first few minutes of your interview are very important.

Maribel Hernandez, Fanny Navarrete, Angie and Jessica Nieves.

Wear Professional Dress 

This might seem obvious but it often occurs that individuals come to interviews dressed inappropriately. Remember, you are making an impression about your professionalism so make sure to iron your clothes and keep your skirts/pants  at an acceptable length. Brush your hair professionally, too. 

Do not make excess of noise when sitting.

Be Prepared for Key Questions

Research and prepare yourself on possible teacher´s interview questions so that you can keep surprises to a minimum. While you don't want to look too rehearsed, you also don't want to appear as though you are searching for what to say.

Show Enthusiasm for Teaching

Be enthusiastic. REcruiters have seen in too many interviews where prospective teachers don't act like they even like students. They are more interested in their content than in the actual teaching of it. Be enthusiastic and energetic. Remember, teaching is all about helping students learn and grow. This should be your focus.

Show Interest in Professional Growth

When you are asked questions about your future or your personality, make sure that you show an interest in growing in the profession. This will give interviewers further information about your enthusiasm and interest in teaching.

Be Polite and Tactful

Use your best manners - always say please and thank you just like your learned at home. You should also make sure that you are tactful when you make statements. For example, when you are speaking about your previous teaching positions and fellow teachers, do not stop to idle gossip or petty statements.

Working on the two writing drafts was a demanding task  because  the students had to organize their ideas and not depend on memorization, which made them feel  more aware of their strengths, weaknesses,  and complemented their teaching practicum.
Even though it is a new activity/practice  for my Fifth Course students (undergraduate), I am a great believer that ACTION is important in classes.. 

The Mock Interview was a great work   because the students invested all their effort, they created,  researched, worked in groups  and,as alwyad did their best to make this task  more realistic and long-lasting.
It is important to emphasize that questions were assigned randomly because the idea was to break from memorized answers.

At the end of this four-day enriching and amazing activity, I gave a detailed feedback to every student  for future interviews. They finished this task feeling confident, more aware of their knowledge, strengths and weaknesses. I AM PROUD AS ALWAYS OF MY STUDENTS´ CREATIVITY!!!

Source keys for a successful tips interview -some ideas

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