(excellent poster donated by a student´s husband)
The story of the murder of a rich businessman. June 22, 1952 was David Travi´s sixtieth birthday. he had dinner at this house with his wife Amanda, his daughter, Barbara, his business partner, George Smith and his assistant Claudia Myers. The next morning when Amanda Travid went to her husband´s bedroom she found him in bed...........dead...
Liutenant Jackson arrived at about 9:00am. He was a tall man with a big mustache. He talked to Mrs. Travis....come into the library with me, pls....What did your husband do after dinner last night?...Mrs Travis said...when we finished dinner Davis said he was tired, and he went to bed................ |
Another liuterant Jackon taking notes ......
Claudia...the assistant....she said....I was in love with him and he said he was in love with me...He said he wanted to leave his wife Amanda and marry me...I was stupid. I believe him.......................
Who killed Mr Travis????????????????
THANKS TO ALL MY STUDENTS. Great groups and creativity in their performance. Excellent speaking abilities being First Course students.