The objective of this Linguistic task is to help students improve their pronunciation and learn creative ways to reinforce language. The students were assigned to work in groups with the following activities:
1.Analyze information on tongue twister and multiple intellingence in this link. http://esl.about.com/od/englishlistening/a/ttwister_master.htm
2. Select a tongue twister in www.uebersetzung.at/twister/en.htm English Tongue Twisters. 1st collection, by Mr. Twister (2012)
3. Print your tongue twister and have your mini-class (with all resources you may think are necessary to engage your classmates)
4.Be creative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tongue Twister Exercise
The objective of this spoken English exercise is to habituate our tongues to pronounce difficult and same sounding words easily. For example the difference in sounds of "sa" and "sha" in "same" and "shame". It helps in getting our mouths properly stretched while speaking words.
Spoken English Exercise Requirement
- Get some good tongue twisters.(You may just search Google for tongue twisters).
- I have provided some of them below.
- Make sure that you pronounce the twisters slowly. Once comfortable, then you may speed up.
- Practice them for a good command on the language and pronunciation
- If possible, then make sure that some one good in English listens to the pronunciation.
Some Popular Tongue Twisters for Spoken English Enhancement
- She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
- Purple, paper, people.
Purple, people, paper - Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
If Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? - Benny bought a bit of butter but the butter was so bitter so she bought a better butter to make the bitter butter better.
- Which witch wished which wicked wish?
- If you understand say,"understand".
If you don't understand say,"don't understand".
But if you say don't understand even if you understand,How will i understand that you understands?Understand?
The purpose of this course is to give intermediate to advanced students the tools, tips and techniques to speak English clearly and accurately. The variety of activities, authentic audios, students´presentations make learning innovative, fun and close to reality that they will handle in elementary and high school settings in Ecuador. This year we are using Focus on Pronunciation Nbr. 3, from Pearson, Longman, as well as several interactive links.
During the first two weeks, the students review the different sounds. They are assigned to groups and have their presentations. During this process, we review and correct pronunciation errors.
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"s" sound, a big issue for hispanic students. |
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/t/ and /d/ sound. |
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voiced and voiceless /th/ |
As a Second language instructor, I always advise my students that they must identify specific pronunciation features that cause problems for learners. Make learners aware of the prosodic features, stress, intonation, rhytm and the most important issue make the students and the class a safe setting to target mistakes and learn from them.
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This is a very important sound for Spanish-speaking students. |
Pronunciation can be one of the most difficult parts of a language for bilingual students to master and one of the least favorite topics for teachers to address in a classroom. I´m a great believer that all learners can do well in learning the pronunciation of a foreign language, if the teacher and learner participate together in the total learning process, then success can be achieved.
Pronunciation must be viewed as more than correct production of phonemes: it must be viewed as imporant as teaching Grammar, Speaking or Writing. The learner must also become part of the learning process, actively involved in their own learning.
I try to integrate the content of this course with real students´cases of Ecuadorian school settings and make my students produce mini real-classes focusing in improving these pronunciation errors. My role is to act as a 'speech coach', rather than as a mere checker of pronunciation.
Este año la clase de Linguistica está dirigida a fortalecer la práctica de la pronunciación en los alumnos de Quinto Año y las habilidades que deben manejar como futuros docentes. Existe una gran variedad de actividades en clase, ejercicios de repetición, presentaciones y material interactivo que los ayuda a construir su propio conocimiento. Mi rol como docente es de apoyo, de asesor, y busco en mis alumnos esfuerzo, trabajo creativo y análisis crítico..
(Thanks to my students for their photos).-